Remember who you are

A couple of weeks ago, I bought some new pyjamas. Here’s a picture of them:

I’m not really an avid fan of Disney as some people I know are, nor do I make an effort to purposely look for Disney merchandise. I like The Lion King, but it’s not necessarily my favourite film.

But over the past couple of months, and weeks specifically, I’ve been having a hard time. Health and other issues have arisen that rise fear up in myself, and of myself. It causes doubt in my identity, in who I am as a person. In everything I’ve allowed to accept about myself, bad or good.

The shirts quote, ‘Remember who you are’, is from a specific point in the film. It’s possibly one of the most crucial moments in the story. Simba, who had been living in exile for years and years while his Uncle had taken over the Pride, the Kingdom that had belonged to Simba’s father. After he is forced to meet again with something from his past he runs, in fear. He encounters the spirit of his Father, who tells him to ‘Remember who you are.’

What does Simba remember? He remembers that he is the rightful heir of the Pride, of the Kingdom. That he is the son of the King. That he is King.

That moment gives him courage, and he proceeds to fight and reclaim his rightful place as the King of the Pride, overthrowing his Uncle.

Remember who you are.

Who am I? I am a child of the King, that is God. I am co-heirs with the son of the King, that is Jesus, who has claimed all authority in heaven and earth. I have a choice to take my place in this lineage, if I just remember. That isn’t inheritance for the next world, but for my day to day life, in who I was created to be now. 

I may be run into exile, I may be manipulated, I may be told to run and be afraid by those that want that power for themselves, but they can never have it. Because that is my rightful inheritance, that is granted to me through no effort or persuasion, but as a gift. So every time I look at my pyjamas, I’m reminded of this. And I just need to remember,

and have faith.

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